Elopement im Elbsandsteingebirge – Pfaffenstein

Elopement im Elbsandsteingebirge – Pfaffenstein

Die Beiden sind so gern in der Natur und stehen gar nicht so gern im Mittelpunkt und so kam langsam die Idee auf, ihre Hochzeit vielleicht doch einfach nur zu zweit in wunderschöner Natur zu feiern. Auf einem ihrer Kurztrips waren sie im Elbsandsteingebirge auf dem Pfaffenstein wandern und so hat es sich ergeben, dass dieser Spot der richtige Platz für ihr Elopement sein sollte.

Elopement in the Austrian Alps

Elopement in the Austrian Alps

Speechless. Every single time this incredibly beautiful mountain scenery is making me speechless. And this time it was my first time capturing the fall in the mountains. This Elopement in the Austrian Alps with its’ countless variations of colours of the trees. In addition Cat in her stunningly pretty boho wedding gown by Reclamation an her beloved Menno. Two mountain-lovers who are full of the love for the mountains and for each other.

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After Wedding Shooting in Austria

24 hours Austria. On a Saturday morning in September I flew to Salzburg to meet up with my dear friends for an after wedding shooting. They picked me up from the airport, we drove to the hotel and then made our way to the first location. At the Gollinger Wasserfall close to Salzburg we started with our after wedding shooting in Austria. At the beautiful waterfall they both wore the outfits for their civil wedding which they had in Mayrhofen in March of the same year. The scenrey was so so pretty and that was only the beginning.